What is Hypertension Stage 2

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Hypertension Stage 2

High Blood Pressure reading during Hypertension Stage 2

Hypertension stage 2 starts when blood pressure reading is above 159/100.  Under this medical condition flow of blood in arteries is obstructed by constrictions leading to very high blood pressure. This puts pressure on the heart to pump harder and harder to pump blood. Untreated high blood pressures will put heart at risk and can lead to heart disease and heart attacks.

At this stage blood pressure patients are given medication or combination of two or more drugs to bring down elevated blood pressure. As you get old treating high blood pressure becomes difficult. It is good to check your blood pressure if you are over the age of 40 (women – 35).

Drastic changes are required at this stage starting with urgent visit to your personal Physician or nearby medical facility. Doctors will recommend combination of drugs depending on medical condition, lifestyle changes and some workout schedule. The lifestyle changes include adding fresh vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products and quitting smoking, and alcohol. This also includes low intake of salt and sodium in daily diet.

People who are likely to get high blood pressure are African American, people over the age of 35, people who smoke and drink alcohol excessively. Also adding high fatty products in your diet leads to high blood pressure.
It is advisable to read packaged products labels as most of the time they are high in  sodium  and which should be discarded, if you are blood pressure patient.  The other situations where once can get hypertension stage 2 is during pregnancy and people with overweight. The good news is detecting early and then following balanced lifestyle and medications as needed will help lower the Hypertension Stage 2 level.

Read more on Blood Pressure at Blood Pressure Reading.

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